Tineco Carpet One Pro review: the world’s best carpet cleaner for home use


Here’s the Tineco Carpet One Pro review in a sentence, for those in a hurry: a carpet cleaner like no other, that delivers a five-star user experience. Although only part of my house is fully carpeted – including a really deep-pile bedroom carpet that we inherited from the previous owner – I don’t think my wife and I would survive without a carpet cleaner, and for five very good reasons: two Labradors and three cats.

Thankfully, one of the dogs has now grown up and no longer craps on the bedroom floor like it use to. If you really must, you can read about one particularly grim moment in my feature, My dog left an unwelcome gift on my rug. Luckily, Vax had just sent me its latest Vax Platinum SmartWash which I hastily summoned into action after seeing a dirty great turdal smear across four feet of previously pristine carpet. The Vax saved my life that day.


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