6 Do-It-Yourself Keys To Stage Your Home


There are many discussions about the best way, to market and sell a house, to its greatest potential, and to assure, it, is displayed, in the best possible, light! However, there must be a balance, so the homeowner, avoids wasting money, yet enhances the way, his house, shows! While some larger, more expensive houses, may, benefit from, and should hire a quality, professional, home – stager, the cost of doing so, makes it counter – indicated, in several other circumstances. With that in mind, and with the hope of achieving, the best of both worlds, this article will briefly examine, and review, 6 do – it – yourself, relatively inexpensive ways, to stage, your home.

1. Clean; reduce clutter: Perhaps the single, best step, and component of showing your house, to its potential, is to pay keen attention, to maintaining its overall cleanliness, inside, and outside! Excessive clutter is often, not merely distracting, and shows a house, in a less than optimum light, but creates, a negative, first impression!

2. Examine decor; freshen – up; accentuate the positive: It’s unwise to spend, excessively, on new furniture and/ or furnishings, but it makes sense, to look objectively, and examine, simple ways, to improve the decor. Perhaps you might decide, to freshen the way it presents, by covering older, warn, sofas and chairs, with pleasant – looking, slip – covers! How might you accentuate certain areas, either by how you relocate furniture, lights, etc, or with lighting, accent – paints, etc?

3. Paint – Touch – up, and freshen: It’s often too costly to repaint one’s entire house, but it may make, a ton of difference, when you touch – up areas, which are most visible, while freshening, and refreshing, the overall look of the home!

4. Set scenes: Create little scenes, which provide a warmer, personal, friendly feeling! Using vases, in key locations, with colorful flowers, etc, fruit bowls, setting the table, with attractive place – settings, etc, often create an emotional, attraction, for potential buyers!

5. Lighting: You want to make certain, there is sufficient light, to show off, the most desirable features of the home! Certain areas might benefit from mood – lighting, while others are improved, by being certain, there are good quality bulbs, and the lighting is neither too bright, nor too dull. Use bulbs which create the best impression, in various locations, around the house!

6. Curb appeal: Power – wash sidewalks, foundation, walls and roofing, etc. Inspect windows, and clean them, thoroughly. Remove any accumulation of debris and/ or grime, from areas such as window – sills! What impression will potential buyers have, from the appearance of your front door? Remember, curb appeal is often, a key difference, between, enticing people, to look, in a favorable light, versus turning, them, off!

These 6 basic, simple, do – it – yourself, keys, often, make a significant difference, in achieving the best possible results! Will you be willing to work, with your real estate agent, as a team, and make the best impression?

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